
You’ve spent your life trying to do what’s best for those you love. Why stop now?

Prepare for both the predictable and the unimaginable by gathering and documenting your personal information, so those who may need it won’t have to go looking for it.

Your organized information is a gift, and Your Legacy Files is your guide.

Why Do This Now?

Are your loved ones prepared for the unexpected?

Less than one-third of us have made preparing a priority. Afterall, we are too busy living! Yet ironically, being prepared gives you the freedom to live more fully!

And our guess is, your stuff is everywhere. (Ours was too.) Documents in a file folder, passwords on post-it notes, account information on your PC, and your precious wishes for your last days noted in a shoebox nestled in your closet.

Or maybe you’ve shared some information, but now one family member has the responsibility of “getting it right” while avoiding conflict with others and managing their own emotions at a vulnerable time.

We understand. We each have our own stories of piecing together loved one’s stories…in the absence of the loved one.

This is where Your Legacy Files comes in. Our tools provide a one-stop resource to house all your critical information so that should something happen, nothing is left to chance.